Certified digital forensics expert specializing in computer, cell phone, and photo/video forensics. Worked in digital forensics for over twenty-three
Michael Franklin
30-year law enforcement career includes 27 years as a Special Agent with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). Expertise in drug trafficking
Marshall Crutchfield
Twenty-year veteran of the Durham County Sheriff's Office Durham, NC. Supervising Criminal Investigator. Six years as liaison investigator with the
Bob Raynor
Investigated several hundred Major Crime investigations and possess years of experience in assisting county prosecutors with litigation preparation.
Salvatore Travaglio
Retired Police officer - Had attained the rank of Lieutenant Detective in a Major metropolitan area. Private Investigator of 4+ years - Criminal
Robert Allen
Private Investigator Associate (PIA) working under supervision of Private Investigator Chad Taylor, PI # 4994 NC Bail Agent, Fugitive Recovery Agent,
James Gilchrist
Prior Law Enforcement with Police and Sheriff Office Aras360/FAROHD Crime Scene Reconstruction. NC Bail Agent Bail Bondsman. State and Federal
Narley Cashwell Jr.
Retired Raleigh Police Department from 1/94 thru 12/2019. Two years five months PI experience all in criminal defense work. Sergeant Major Crimes,
Jerry Waller
Licensed Private Investigator for over 30 years, specializing in criminal defense work. Worked with over 100 criminal defense attorneys. Have a staff