Read the sections below and the use the form provided to apply to serve on a Managed Assigned Counsel Roster (MAC Roster).
Thank you for taking on this heroic work. We contract with the best North Carolina attorneys and provide them with support and the resources they need.
~ Tucker Charns, Chief Regional Defender
- Review the MAC contract and attachments to understand the standard terms of the contract, including the required malpractice insurance, the data reporting requirements, billing policies and the scope of representation.
- Familiarize yourself with the three types of MAC contracts (details below), the qualifications for each type, and the waivers that might be granted (if criteria are met) for each case type.
- Your application authorizes Indigent Defense Services to investigate all information provided as well as all supporting submissions and to make confidential inquiries for the purpose determining your competence to be placed on a roster of attorneys eligible for appointment on the relevant lists.
- Please provide a resume and CLE transcript where appropriate in the application form.
- Your application for a MAC contract is public record once received.
- If approved, you understand and agree that you are committing to serving every client within three (3) days of your appointment to their case.

Misdemeanor Contracts Include:
Non-traffic misdemeanors, misdemeanor traffic, DWI, misdemeanor probation violations only in district court, extradition, criminal or civil contempt in district court if it arises in a criminal case or parental contempt in juvenile court), contempt before the Post-Release Supervision and Parole Commission, Class 3 misdemeanor offenses where the Court has not found that the defendant has more than three prior convictions, but the defendant is in custody and the Court appoints counsel for the limited purpose of ensuring that the defendant has meaningful access to the courts during the time period of the defendant’s confinement on the Class 3 misdemeanor charge, extradition, habitual DWI and habitual assault.
You must certify that you have the minimum attorney qualifications for each contract category OR that you do not and that you are thereby requesting a waiver.
Licensed N.C. attorney for at least one (1) year; significant portion of practice is or will be criminal law; I have observed at least one district court session and one district court bench trial in the county; I have taken at least three (3) hours of continuing legal education in criminal law within the past year and that I have the necessary knowledge and skill for misdemeanor representation and will apply those with appropriate thoroughness and preparation.
There are limited waivers available as set out below:
The only available waiver is the requirement that an applicant be licensed to practice law for at least 1 year. An attorney who is otherwise qualified would be required to participate in a mentorship program, if available, with an approved mentor or a regional defender.
Low-Level Felony Contracts Include:
Class I through E felonies, misdemeanor probation violations in superior court, any felony probation violation, and any misdemeanor cases to which a client assigned under this low-level felony (List 2) contract may be charged after the appointment of that low-level felony charge.
You must certify that you have the minimum attorney qualifications for each contract category OR that you do not and that you are thereby requesting a waiver.
Licensed N.C. attorney for at least one (1) year; have tried at least two (2) jury trials (civil or criminal) to verdict; am competent to try a criminal superior court case to a jury and I have the necessary knowledge and skill for representation in low-level felony cases and will apply those with appropriate thoroughness and preparation.
There are limited waivers available as set out below:
The only available waiver is the requirement that an applicant have tried at least two jury trials. In the alternative, the attorneys must have completed at least 12 hours of continuing legal education in criminal jury trial skills or have served as second chair and/or agree to have a second chair, if reasonably available, selected by the regional defender to assist with the attorney’s first trial.
High-Level Felony Contracts Include:
Class D through A felonies, excluding death penalty eligible cases and first-degree murder charges in which the defendant was under the 18 at the time of the alleged offense. It includes any misdemeanor (List 1) or low-level felony (List 2) to which a client assigned under this low-level felony (List 2) contract may be charged after the appointment of that high-level felony charge.
You must certify that you have the minimum attorney qualifications for each contract category OR that you do not and that you are thereby requesting a waiver.
Licensed N.C. attorney for at least three (3) years; have tried at least two (3) jury trials (civil or criminal) to verdict; am competent to try a criminal superior court case to a jury and that I have the necessary knowledge and skill for representation in high-level felony cases and will apply those with appropriate thoroughness and preparation. My offer will include two examples of substantial written legal work product prepared by myself at the trial or appellate level, including substantive motions, or excerpts from two transcripts of trials in which I was counsel of record. I understand that I must certify every 3 years that I have attended at least 9 hours of continuing legal education relevant to representation of high-level felonies.)
There are limited waivers available as set out below:
The only available waiver is the requirement that an applicant have tried at least three jury trials. In the alternative, the applicant may show that they previously served as second chair on a jury trial of such a charge or have a second chair, if reasonably available, selected by the Regional Defender assist with the attorney’s first trial of such a charge.